R2100 Instructions
This site is dedicated to 
Parker Henry Korin



What Is It and How Can You Use It?


Resource2100 is an educational website created by me, Steve Korin – a retired teacher living on Long Island. Originally, it was something I created in the 1990's called Resource2000, and was intended to have 200 links for students in my Middle School Social Studies classes.

R2000 became so popular, that it grew beyond 2000 links, and eventually contained many thousands of links covering all subject areas and grade levels. Eventually it grew to over 5,000 links!

Most schools/districts use content filtering/blocking schemes to "protect" against unwanted internet activity, but they expect "educational content" websites to be produced "in-house". My work provides this educational content for students, teachers and parents to use. A lot of the work has been already done, so it's a "jump start" in the educational content area. A lot of schools don't have the time and money for "in-house" development, especially from "scratch."

Resource2100.com is a collection of sites collected by a retired teacher, for education and enjoyment.

With a few clicks of your mouse, you will be able to locate information and save a tremendous amount of time. Resource2100 is a "subset" of the internet based on a matrix of subject areas typically found in most US state curriculums.

This is great for parents, teachers and students who don't have a lot of time to start out with, and need to get to information FAST. It's also great for schools who do not have the staff or development time to do this kind of work.

Parents and teachers need to spend some of their "free" time actually looking around to find what's available on this site
so when their kids want help, they can steer them through the menu system to the correct link F-A-S-T!

Children appreciate their parents and teachers a whole lot more when they see that the adults
are investing their time and energy to help them solve their problems..... you are the "tour guide".

I try to constantly monitor the site to insure wholesome content with minimum advertisements. A lot of sites are "rejected" because they don't fit my criteria. However, I can't promise it's "perfect" just my best effort for a good cause.

I recommend you use this site "behind" appropriate school or home security software.

resource2100.com will always be "free" to use, and a link is available below if your school would like to "download" the website pages in "zip" form. When unzipped, the sites contents can be modified or used by schools, and expand or "customize" my work for their own use. A school can then modify or expand the site and use it to jump-start their own educational initiative
with over 3,500 sites already identified. (An internal "oversight" system should be used before sites are added.)

As a retired teacher of 33 years, my only interest is using my research skills to make life easier and more enjoyable for others. So I'm "paying it forward" as long as I can in hopes my work will benefit others. This is my "legacy".

If you choose to download and install resource2100.com and have any technical questions, you can contact me at:

Steve Korin
Dix Hills, NY 11746

This site was written in Microsoft Frontpage2000.


Who Am I?

ERJ-175 Regional Jet Cockpit

I'm a retired Middle School history teacher and Flight Simulator Instructor at the
American Airpower Museum in Farmingdale, NY

How can you use this site:

Just go to www.resource2100.com      I continually add to and update this site.

or................. you may download it in "ZIP" format    HERE!       (Site updated as of June 2022)

You are free to download it, modify it, remove links and/or add links to simple .html web pages. The "start" page is called "index.htm"   Index.htm is what a "browser" uses to find start page of the site after it has it's own Domain Name (see your internet provider for this). There are no copyright restrictions, and you are free to do whatever you want with the site. Any internet professional will be able to see what I've done here, and modify it for your own intended use as a "school website". For instance, if your school was known as "Valley Center" you could create a website called "Vcenter.com" and just dump all the website pages in there. When you typed in "Vcenter.com" you would be directed to a folder on your Internet Service Provider's "server" that contained all "my" files including the index.htm page. You then "modify" and "post" individual web pages up to your ISP's server using a program such as "FileZilla" which is what I use to send modified pages up to the "Internet."

Most "educational sites" manage the site from their "side" - the "Server side" - you either PAY for it, or they make their money from "ad's" that you are forced to see. So the stuff is there for THEIR PROFIT..... nothing's really for FREE!

The menu tree I've used is based on a matrix of typical grade level and subject areas common to most school districts. All I've done is to provide the basic structure which enables a student to find information FAST, with a few clicks of the mouse – instead of wasting time and effort searching the Internet! I've also spent over 7 years finding the "links" on the pages.

There's no "database" on the internet, or "server-side" application you have to pay for - just a simple application that you can modify or expand upon to make something great! Best of all ----- it is really FREE!

You can decide to use this scheme to make your own school website, district site, or even copy the website into a folder on your own hard disk or even a "memory stick" for use with a single computer.

By integrating it into an already existing school or district site, a group of teachers working with the proper oversight could take what I've done, and just "pay it forward" into something really nice for the good of all.

There is a link on this page here you can download, and then "unzip" and further modify to continue this process......consult with school and/or district "IT" personnel for help with this process. (See above). If you don't know what you're doing, find someone who is a computer "wiz" to help you - it's not really all that hard!

All I ask in return is that if you find this site worthwhile, that you give me an email telling me you have received this information and will consider using it. My email is: gacaptaink@yahoo.com

I'll leave you with this thought:
"Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind."
Brandon Lee