
NASA Observatories The Planets

Page Updated June 2022 .

1908 Siberia Explosion  A re-creation of the explosion of a large meteorite about six kilometers above earth near Kirensk. The site presents scientific data, excerpts from firsthand accounts, and the author's (a scientist at PSI) paintings developed from eyewitness reports.

75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate  Find out more about the "great debate" between Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis on "the Scale of the Universe" and the follow-up debate 75 years later between Donald Q. Lamb and Bohdan Padzynski.

Ask the Space Scientist  The site has FAQs on a wide variety of space topics: the Solar system, the cosmos, space travel, satellites, etc. The author, Dr. Sten Odenwald, is based at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Asteroid Impact  More dangerous than presumed? Get the lowdown on these “visitors” from space.

Astrobiology: The Search For Life  Are we alone in the universe? Can we answer this question in your lifetime? Find out here.

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive  Hundreds of astronomical pictures can be found here!

Astronomy  A history of Astronomy through the 18th century from "HistoryWorld."

Astronomy Dictionary  A picture dictionary containing Astronomy terms.

Astronomy for Kids  Have a great time exploring our universe online.

Astronomy for Kids!  Read all about meteorites and galaxies for kids. This page has terrific pictures and a lot of information that is fun and exciting.

Astronomy Now  Online astronomy magazine.

Astronomy Picture of the Day Index!  Complete index of some of the most fascinating Astronomy pictures on the net.

Auroras: Paintings in the Sky  The Exploratorium will show you what auroras look like on Earth and from space, explain how they are created, and show you where they can be found.

Basics of Radio Astronomy  A downloadable book about the basics of radio astronomy.

Basics of Space Flight  Get a complete review of some of the challenges of space flight in this series of lesson modules.

Before the Earth was Formed  A history of the formation of Earth.

Boeing International Space Station  Boeing Company site which has information, mission history, image archive, construction information, and a site map and data archive.

Consolidated Lunar Atlas  A collection of the best photographic images of the moon.

Cosmology (complete to 1800)  A history of Cosmology through the 17th century from "HistoryWorld."

Cosmology from NASA  Cosmology is the scientific study of the large scale properties of the Universe as a whole. It endeavors to use the scientific method to understand the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the entire Universe.

Deep Impact  Comets have fascinated humans for hundreds of years, and most recently with the idea of creating a "deep impact" upon a comet in order to study the interior composition and makeup of these bodies.

Doomsday Asteroid  What would happen if an asteroid the size of a mountain crashed into the surface of the Earth? Investigate the rocky material that circulates in the solar system and consider the likelihood of such an object striking our planet.

Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight  An alphabetical guide to the "Living Universe."

ESA and Arianespace Launch Complex at Kourou  Visit the European Space Agency complex at Kourou in French Guyana and learn about the powerful Ariane rockets.

European Space Agency  The European Space Agency is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investments in space continue to deliver benefits to the people of Europe.

Frequently Asked Astronomy and Physics Questions  Topics covered are: black holes, Einstein, general astronomy, general physics, light and lasers, pulsars, quasars, special relativity, and stars.

Gravity Probe B  Learn some scientific terminology in conjunction with astronomy.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Deepsky Atlas  The Hawaiian Astronomical Society Storybook and Deepsky Atlas is a long term effort to provide a good online atlas of the heavens, combined with photographs of significant objects, and their descriptions.

How Antimatter Spacecraft Will Work  Antimatter has the ability to store incredible amounts of energy in a very small space! See how it will work!

How Asteroids Work  Eros is 21 miles long and 8 miles thick -- a mini planet! Explore the mission that landed on this asteroid after orbiting it for a year!

How Black Holes Work  Black holes suck material in FOREVER and may even hold galaxies together! Learn all about these gravitational monsters!

How SETI Works  Looking for ET: It's the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Find out what would happen if ET were to phone.

How Solar Eclipses Work  Solar eclipses don't happen very often, but when they do they are amazing to watch! Learn how these rare occurrences work!

How Space Planes Will Work  Space planes are likely to be the replacement for the space shuttle. Learn how they will work!

How Space Shuttles Work  The space shuttle is one of the most complex machines ever created -- it launches like a rocket, can survive in space up to two weeks, re-enters and then lands like an airplane. Learn how this amazing spacecraft works!

How Space Stations Work  The space station is the successor to MIR. Click here for an in-depth look at the International Space Station.

How Space Wars Will Work  Weapons in space that can knock down missiles have been under development for years and are starting to look realistic. Learn how they will work.

How Spacesuits Work  We are seeing a lot more spacesuits now that the international space station is occupied. Learn how spacesuits work and why they cost $12 million each.

How Stars Work  When you look up at night and see thousands of stars, have you ever wondered what you are looking at? Learn what stars are and how they live and die!

How Telescopes Work  A telescope can be as simple as a $100 amateur scope or as complicated as the Hubble space telescope. Learn how telescopes work and what to consider if you are thinking about buying one.

How the Sun Works  The sun is one of those things we take for granted, but life would be impossible without it! Learn all about it!

Hubble Heritage Project  This site has an album of the images from the Hubble Space Telescope which have been released to the public.

Images From The Moon  A collection of thumbnail images from NASA Apollo Lunar Missions as well as other spacecraft. Clicking on a image will enlarge it.

Inconstant Moon  Explore the Moon... discover its dramatic features and phenomena - often beautiful, sometimes bizarre, always changing. Inconstant Moon will take you on a new tour each night, with maps, photos, explanations, animations, selected links and even music.

JPL Photojournal Literally thousands of beautiful photographs taken of planets and their moons in our solar system. Go on an armchair journey through space! 

Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)  We are a NASA-funded institute in Houston, Texas, devoted to studying the solar system and sharing the excitement of space exploration with the public. Please browse around our site; there is something here for you whether you are a teacher or student.

Lunar Eclipses for Beginners  What is an eclipse of the Moon? What causes eclipses and why? How often do eclipses happen and when is the next eclipse of the Moon? You'll learn the answers to these questions and more in Mr. Eclipse's primer on lunar eclipses.

Lunar And Planetary Science  Learn more about the Apollo Space missions on this site.

Lunar Meteorites  Everything that you want to know about Lunar Meteorites.

Lunar Orbiter  NASA Lunar Orbiter Mapping Missions. (1966-1967)

Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon  NASA publication considered to be the definitive reference manual to the global photographic coverage of the Moon.

Mythology of the Constellations The stories behind what we see in the night sky.

NASA Online  Learn about space from NASA's web portal!

NASA Night Sky Network The Night Sky Network is a community of more than 450 astronomy clubs across the U.S. that share their time and telescopes to engage the public with unique astronomy experiences. The ASP provides training and materials to enhance clubs outreach activities, and inspires more than four million people through their participation in 30,000+ plus events.

Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission  Learn about the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid.

New Views Of The Universe  Get an overview of Hubble’s contributions to our understanding of the cosmos! Requires FLASH Player (free).

NSSDC Photo Gallery  See pictures of actual planets on this NASA site.

On-Line Astronomy Puzzles  Answer these online questions about the solar system, planets, comets and more. For grades 2-6.

Origins: From CERN  Explore the extraordinary people, places, tools and ideas behind the search for the origins of matter, the universe and life itself.

Planet Quest  Here's your chance to boldly go in search of life on other planets. Team up with NASA to find out if Earth is one of a kind. You'll find articles on the history of astronomy and space exploration, interactive movies and activities, and more.

PSRD Planetary Research  An interesting site from planetary scientists sharing ideas and discoveries covering the Moon, Mars, planets and the question of extraterrestrial life. High school or advanced reading level.

SETI@home  More than a million world citizens are participating in this project to analyze radio telescope data to find out if intelligent life is trying to get in touch.

SkyView  Get starstruck with several interfaces, from non-astronomer to advanced Java-user, Virtual Observatory allows night owls to generate images of any portion of the night sky by indicating position, scale and orientation.

SOHO: Exploring the Sun  Learn about the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) that was designed to study the internal structure of the sun. You can view spectacular images of the sun, watch movies of solar events, and see online exhibits.

Solar Folklore  Most cultures have recognized the significance of the sun as prime controller of all life on earth. Read myths, legends, and tales about the sun from the Stanford Solar Center.

Solar System Simulator  This simulator lets you view planets, moons, and spacecraft from different points in the solar system. No plug-ins or special software are required.

South Pole Observatory: South Pole, Antarctica  Monitors greenhouse and other trace gases; atmospheric aerosols; solar radiation and ozone; and conducts experiments to understand chemical changes that might affect climate.

Space Camp  The ultimate science adventure camp for kids. In early 1991, Space Camp welcomed its 100,000th trainee and in 1998 the graduate total will surpass 288,000.

Spaceflight Now  Coverage of launches of all planned missions from spaceports around the globe.

Stellarium Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. For Windows and MAC. Download Stellarium HERE!

The Cosmic Distance Scale This resource gives an impression of how immense our Universe is by starting with an image of the Earth and then zooming out to the furthest visible reaches of the Universe. Its goal is to show astronomical distances without scientific notation. Instead, it focuses on the large number of zeros that are in astronomical distances when we measure them with a familiar unit like the kilometer.

The Drake Equation  Are there civilizations out there listening? We don't yet know the answer, but Dr. Frank Drake, president of the SETI Institute thinks he knows how to figure out the mystery!

The Lunar and Planetary Institute / Exploring the Moon  Learn about Lunar exploration past, present and future.

The Origin Of The Moon  A hypothesis for the formation of the Moon billions of years ago..

The Sky  Visit the Sky Web site to learn about everything that you ever wanted to know about astronomy. This site has colorful pictures, meaningful quotes and a beautiful picture gallery.

Zoom Space  A comprehensive site on astronomy and space for kids.