Anthropology And Archeology

Page Updated June 2022 .


Ancient History and Archaeology  The BBC explores archaeology and ancient cultures and civilizations - from Prehistory to the Iron Age.

Anthropology Tutorials  Originally designed for college-level classes, this site will be useful for high school students as well. Several specific anthropology topics are included in this interactive text, including hominid evolution, human heredity, ethnicity, and marriage.

Archaeological Research in Arctic North America  One of the most remote and fascinating areas of North America is explored at this site.

Archaeology Magazine  Find out what's new in the study of the relics of ancient civilization.

Cavemen  Walking with Cavemen - the remarkable epic of our 5-million-year journey from ape to man. What were our earliest ancestors like? How did they live and where did language come from?

Easter Island  This site showcases the efforts of a team of archeologists, engineers, and other experts to transport an Easter Island moai, or carved stone monolith, overland and successfully raise it onto a pedestal. From PBS and NOVA.

Fossil Hominids  An authoritative site that deals with early humans. This site contains a lot of reference materials and pictures!

Fossil Hominids: Prominent Hominid Fossils  Get information about human fossils that were found. View a few pictures of these artifacts.

Guardian's Giza: Necropolis from a Golden Age  Pictures, descriptions, history, diagrams, a map and more about the monuments of Egypt's Giza Plateau. Includes tours of the Sphinx and several of the major pyramids.

How Bigfoot Might Work  Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti -- whatever you want to call it, is it real? Take a look at the compelling evidence for and against the existence of Bigfoot.

How Carbon-14 Dating Works  Carbon-14 dating is something that you hear about in the news all the time. Everything from mastodons to the Shroud of Turin has been dated using this technique! Learn about how carbon-14 dating works and why it is so accurate!

Human Evolution  Travel 3.2 million years into the past to study human evolution from the humanid discovery named 'Lucy' to the new two-legged breed called Homo sapien.

Kinship and Social Organizations  Kinship is the most basic principle of organizing individuals into social groups, roles, and categories. Learn more with this interactive tutorial.

Maya  Featuring beautiful photographs from Uxmal, Sayil, Labna, Chacmultun, Edzna, Dzibilnocac, Becan, Xpujil, Chicanna, Kohunlich, Lamanai, Tikal, and Xunantunich.

Sacred Sites Since prehistoric times, sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world. Travel the world with photographer Martin Grey. During the past eighteen years, Martin has visited and photographed over 1000 sacred sites.

Secrets of Easter Island  This is the story of a team of archaeologists and a 75-person crew who sought to unravel a central mystery of Easter Island: how hundreds of giant stone statues that dominate the island's coast were moved and erected.

Secrets of Lost Empires  Secrets of Lost Empires (NOVA Online) connects you with "the technology and human ingenuity of these civilizations by attempting to recreate these monuments -- using only the tools available to the ancients."

Smithsonian Education: Migrations In History  This extensive site chronicles the migration of people throughout history. The migration of people, objects, ideas, and cultures are explored and the impact of such moves discussed.

Stone Age Man  A history of Stone Age Man.

Strange Science  Ever wonder how people figured out there used to be such things as dinosaurs? This Web site shows some of their mistakes, provides a timeline of events, gives biographies of a few of the people who have gotten us where we are today.

The Archaeology Channel  Explore the human heritage covering such topics as Egypt, Machu Picchu, Nine Mile Canyon and more.

The Dead Sea Scrolls  Find out about the archaeological happenings with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The First Americans   The discovery and ensuing controversy over the Kennewick Man, a well-preserved, 9,000 year old human skeleton found in Washington State in 1996. From PBS and NOVA.

Why do Civilizations Fail?  This excellent site examines the reason why civilizations fail. From the BBC.